Friday, November 22, 2013

TIGER comes to TCS!

TIGER comes to Tuftonboro Central School!
(TIGER Theatre Integrating Guidance, Education, and Responsibility) 

Plymouth State University's (Emmy Award winning) TIGER program visited TCS this week, and what a show it was! This year's TIGER performance addressed the issue of bullying in schools. "Bully Free You and Me" encouraged students to speak up and stand up against acts of bullying witnessed in school. 
- Take Action!  T
I  - I can say no!  I
- Get Help!  G
E  - Exit when necessary!  E
R  - Respect yourself and others!  R

A great takeaway for students and staff from this performance was the idea of being an "upstander" rather than a bystander, when witnessing acts of bullying. "Upstanders" speak up when they see acts of bullying and know where to get help. Another great takeaway from this performance was the introduction to cyber-bullying for our students here at TCS. As technology becomes even more enmeshed in our daily lives, our students need the knowledge and skills to navigate online social situations as well. 

TIGER performing at TCS


For more information on PSU's TIGER program, visit their website